Georges Aaron Bénédite

Georges Aaron Bénédite (1857 – 26 March 1926) was a French Egyptologist from Nîmes.

He was the son of Samuel and Isabella Bénédite Lisbon, whose second husband George Lafenestre (1837–1919), was a noted poet, art critic and curator of the Louvre, who helped raise the young George Aaron; who himself later became a curator at the Louvre in the Department of Egyptology.[1]

Bénédite discovered the tomb of Akhethotep at Saqqara on March 28, 1903. He excavated several tombs in the Valley of the Kings, such as KV41 in 1900.

He died shortly after visiting the tomb of Tutankhamun, further adding to the legend of the curse of the pharaoh. His body was brought back to France and was buried in the family vault in the cemetery of Bourg-la-Reine in the Hauts-de-Seine.


  1. ^ Runes, Dagobert David (1951). The Hebrew impact on Western civilization. Philosophical Library. ISBN 9780837163543. Retrieved 8 April 2011. 

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